Re: [Muine] Album images

On Fri, 2004-02-06 at 18:19, Jorn Baayen wrote:
> Hrm. Wouldn't it be a waste of space to store a cover image for every
> song in album? Say, you got this nifty 20-track album, now each getting
> this 60k cover image added to it. Now, when you have a huge collection,
> this starts to add up .. 

This is absolutely true - it would. I suppose I'm a little unhappy with
all the various different places mp3 meta-data is being stored - in the
filesystem (album images), in the file, and in program specific
databases (duplication of meta-data). 
Maybe I'll start saving my albums in a container format like matroska or
ogg so duplication of meta-data can be avoided however I'm not sure what
to do with single files (maybe still put them into a container?).

> A metadata store would be cool.. but ATM I don't see what other apps
> would profit from it. Just rhythmbox, but blah, sharing data with other
> music players is the least of my worries.

Other apps I could think of would be sound-juicer which really should be
the app to query amazon and set all the meta-data. Other programs I
could think of might be taggers, or graphical transcoding apps,
file-managers - I guess anything which has reason to read or write


> Jorn

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