Re: [mousetrap-list] Cam freezes, mouse doesn't move

opencv - 1.1pre1-2

Video for Linux 2 v4l2
Acer HD Crystal Eye Webcam
v4l2src device="/dev/video0"

I'll return with a picture this weekend.

2009/2/2, Flavio Percoco Premoli <flaper87 gmail com>:
> Hi Pasi,
> Thanks a lot for testing MouseTrap...
> I would need to know somethings.
> 1) The OpenCV version
> 2) Your webcam device index (the number next to /dev/video[0-9])
> 3) The webcam model.
> Now, I few other questions:
> Could you please send me a screenshot of mousetrap running ?
> It looks like MouseTrap finds the forehead point but fails in the flow
> process, which means that after finding the point it can't follow it,
> or, It isn't really finding the forehead point.
> I'm sorry you haven't been able to run MouseTrap.
> In any case use this version:
> Thanks again, and let me know this things so I'll be able to help you
> get MouseTrap running.
> El dom, 01-02-2009 a las 10:54 +0100, Pasi Saarinen escribió:
>> With svn I mean because
>> I can't access as  written on
>> What I do to get these errors is I configure,make and install
>> mousetrap and then run the mousetrap program, It seems like when i
>> look into the cam the cam freezes (I can still click the buttons and
>> change settings) in the top of the picture it says "GETTING
> --
> Flavio Percoco Premoli, A.K.A. [Flaper87]
> Usuario Linux registrado #436538
> Geek by nature, Linux by choice, Archer of course.
> Key Fingerprint: 2AAC 589E 6E61 98FC 1D80 D36B 3094 6CEA 26FD 9E19
> The Solution to everything:
> python -c "from struct import pack; print  pack('5b', (41*len('99')),
> pow(8,2)+20, 4900**0.5, range(78)[-1], 10)"

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