Re: [mousetrap-list] Cam freezes, mouse doesn't move

Hi Pasi,

Thanks a lot for testing MouseTrap...

I would need to know somethings.

1) The OpenCV version

2) Your webcam device index (the number next to /dev/video[0-9])

3) The webcam model.

Now, I few other questions:

Could you please send me a screenshot of mousetrap running ?

It looks like MouseTrap finds the forehead point but fails in the flow
process, which means that after finding the point it can't follow it,
or, It isn't really finding the forehead point.

I'm sorry you haven't been able to run MouseTrap.

In any case use this version: 

Thanks again, and let me know this things so I'll be able to help you
get MouseTrap running.

El dom, 01-02-2009 a las 10:54 +0100, Pasi Saarinen escribió:
> With svn I mean because
> I can't access as  written on
> What I do to get these errors is I configure,make and install
> mousetrap and then run the mousetrap program, It seems like when i
> look into the cam the cam freezes (I can still click the buttons and
> change settings) in the top of the picture it says "GETTING

Flavio Percoco Premoli, A.K.A. [Flaper87]
Usuario Linux registrado #436538
Geek by nature, Linux by choice, Archer of course.
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python -c "from struct import pack; print  pack('5b', (41*len('99')),
pow(8,2)+20, 4900**0.5, range(78)[-1], 10)"

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