Reminder: SFO call for action - aka questionnaire

As a reminder: The questionnaire's due date is in less than a week from
now. So far not all subscribers have replied.

So please all subscribed members, take a few minutes and reply to the

Many thanks!


Dear Gnome/mobile members!

Following is finally the questionnaire we have been working on as
follow-up to the San Francisco Gnome/mobile meeting at the Linux
Foundation Collaboration Summit meeting.

We want to kindly ask *all* subscribed mailinglist members to reply to
this questionnaire! Since we do not have a formal membership all
subscribed members can consider themselves group members. If you should
be in a positions to be member with "two hats on" we would of course be
interested in both views, e.g. personal and company, project and
individual, etc. Either mark the two (or more) variants or send in
multiple replies.

For all of the following questions we kindly ask you to be as frank and
open as possible! Do not hesitate to state missing knowledge,
uncertainties or doubts - we all have those. We know that in the past
members did not speak because they thought they would miss certain
knowledge that would qualify them to comment. You would be amazed how
little knowledge there is that could be known. Your answers will help us
all to create this knowledge!
So again we kindly ask you for your most open and frank thoughts.

You can either reply to this questionnaire directly to this list or
reply as personal email to me (nils faerber kernelconcepts de). Replying
to the list is the most open way and in general would be favourable but
could also lead to too much discussions right away if any individual
post gets commented.
Stormy, Dave and me will do our best to aggregate all incoming answers
and present a conclusive summary to the group not too much later.

Please reply until the 13th of July latest!

This is roughly two weeks from now. We will also do our best to give the
summary in almost the same time-frame, i.e. two to three weeks after the

Many many thanks in advance for taking the time to reply to this
questionnaire! Your answers will be beneficial for all of us and help
us to better shape the group and goals.

And here we go... (in your reply please cut off the above ;)

About you:
1. Please describe your background a little bit, i.e. what are you
working on that made you interested in Gnome/mobile? If it helps us
understand your background, who are you working for?

When you first heard of Gnome/mobile:
2. What did you think it to be? Please be as frank as possible - what
were your really *first* thoughts?

3. What did you expect from it? What did you hope to see as a result
from it?

4. Why did you join the group? Do you feel like a "member" at all? If
not, why not?

5. Did it match your expectations? If not, why? If yes, how?

6. Is there something like a top-three of most important goals that you
(personally, not thinking of the group as a whole) would like to see
addressed by Gnome/mobile? (Three would be great, one is enough too)

And today:
7. How do you perceive Gnome/mobile today? What is missing? What is too
much? What is / could be Gnome/mobile's first priority goal? And second?

8. What do you think should qualify a platform for being a Gnome/mobile
platform? A specific set of components used? If yes, which components?

9. Or should there be a formal qualification process? If yes, what would
be your idea about it? If not, why not?

10. What should be the technology goals of Gnome/mobile? Like creating a
toolbox rather than a product? Or collaboration and information
infrastructure rather than a development project?

11. At the moment the Gnome/mobile group is a pretty loose group,
everyone interested is welcome and can at once participate. Would you
like to see this a little more formally structured? Like a formal
membership, application process, levels of membership, voting processes,
etc.? Or would like to see it grow as is, a group connected by ideas and
consensus rather than rules? Other ideas?

11. Anything else? Did we forget something? Any additional comments?

Again, many many thanks in replying and for your time and work to craft
your answers!

  nils faerber

kernel concepts GbR        Tel: +49-271-771091-12
Sieghuetter Hauptweg 48    Fax: +49-271-771091-19
D-57072 Siegen             Mob: +49-176-21024535

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