Re: Intltool as an external dep

Le dimanche 01 février 2009, à 16:57 +0100, Dave Neary a écrit :
> Thanks Vincent!
> For the purposes of message & identity, we haven't made a distinction
> between external hard dependencies that have grown out of the GNOME
> community and its needs and "official" GNOME projects.
> Obviously, a difference is made in the jhbuild configuration, but I
> don't think there's any value in trying to characterise D-Bus, say, as
> "GNOME guys made it, but it's not a GNOME thing, we just use it". In
> fact, I think it's counter-productive.
> So it may affect jhbuild recipes, but it won't affect our messaging.

Nod. As usual, I'm just touching the part which is common to the rest of
GNOME when releasing the module set. I'm happy to leave the messaging to
people who are good at that ;-) (and I agree it doesn't change anything


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