Summer Intern ideas?

We have an opportunity to have college students work on GNOME Mobile type ideas in exchange for free housing, a G1 Android phone and anything we'd like to throw in.

I know Android is a competitor in ways to GNOME Mobile, but we could offer other devices instead (if we have them.)

I've been working with (we'll have two paid interns working on GNOME a11y projects) and they have more summer interns than they could accept into their program. They are looking to see if they could provide free housing for more and Google has offered up Android phones as a kind of payment to those students that aren't in the paid program.

Any ideas for GNOME Mobile projects they could work on? They would be novice programmers with access to professors, working for about 10 weeks this summer. We would need to also provide (remote) mentors for any projects we suggest.




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