Re: Where to go ?

On Tue, 2007-05-22 at 19:41 +0200, ext Philip Van Hoof wrote:
> Although the Maemo distribution, right now, has a strong emphasis on the
> Nokia products (the 770 and the N800), it consists of a lot of the exact
> same components as for example ... GPE.

For obvious reasons we will keep having "strong emphasis" in Nokia
products, but we are working on the maemo architecture and related stuff
to make maemo more and more hardware independent, easing the hardware
adaptation to the hardware owners.

Please measure my words. This is not a top priority for us, there are
still many things that require more attention in maemo-for-Nokia itself.
Hardware abstraction is useful even for ourselves alone, and moves like
Intel being interested in the Hildon Application Framework just helps
pushing this exercise up in the (stuffed) list of priorities.

What is clear is that we don't want maemo just for Nokia. It's not that
simple to make the current code more useful to other hardware
environments, though.

Quim Gil -

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