Re: [mlview-list]Little patch

Hi Nicolas,

> Here is just a little patch I wrote to correct some little bugs in mlview CVS :
> the command line parsing which was disabled after Dodji's update with
> gnome_program_init (), and the toolbar with no icons wich displayed nothing (see
> the screenshot right down) for those who have "Icons only" in their
> gnome-ui-properties (see the attached .diff).

The patch is applied and commited in CVS.

> I'm also trying to improve mlview's GUI ; you can see some of my experiments on
> this screenshot : 

:) I am glad to see someone trying to put his hands in the current
editing view :)
Well, I was about re-thinking the layout of the
this tree editing view ... a bit like what you have done.

What do you think about having the tree editor alone on the left ?
I mean, without the feasible elements panel at the bottom left.
The feasible elements panel would then be on the right, below the
node editor. That would give more space to edit "big" documents ...

Oh, something else; at this point, I think we will be in the need
for some icons. Is someone good at artwork or does someone know how we
could get some icons for the different types of xml nodes ?
I was talking with Dave Malcolm a couple of days ago about our sharing
of icons between Conglomerate and MlView ... maybe he could tell us
a bit more about this ?

Anyway, thank you very much for what you have done already.



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