Re: Gtk::window.present() doesn't always present

On 7/12/06, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote:
> Our gui consists of several modular gtkmm programs communicating through
an ipc message queue. All programs start without showing any window.
They can send a message to each other to present themselves to the user
when necessary.
> The first time they present a window it works fine. But after they've
hide and later want to show themselves again the window doesn't popup.
Actually, they do popup but only after I click with the mouse, anywhere
on the screen.
> I've googled around and found a few hints, like the window manager only
wants to popup windows the user explicitly asked for with a mouse click,
to prevent stealing focus from other windows. Probably this is why there
exists a function present with time stamp...  I tried to kill the window
manager but this doesn't make any difference.
> If anybody could help me out, even with some hints to search for, I
would be very thankful.

I guess you are using the metacity window manager, like most GNOME

I have CCed the metacity mailing list so they can give you some help with
this. (Resent with the correct address)

There's very little information about the use case here, making it
hard to know what to say.  Could you provide more info about it, and
what causes these windows to appear (that is, what events occur to
make you decide to show the windows)?  Also, it'd help if you
specified what steps you've taken to try to get the behavior you want.
I wouldn't have guessed Gtk::window.present() was at all related from
reading the email, but it does appear on the subject line.  It'd be
interesting to know how/when/where you are calling that function as

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