Re: regarding installing memprof

On 06/14/2010 10:59 PM, Milan Kumar Mohapatra wrote:

> I am using the command _*memprof ./something.exe  [my options]*_
> It is saying sementation fault.
> *memintercept (30444): mi_write error 14
> memintercept (30444): mi_write error 9
> Reading FastA file data/test_reads.fa;
> Segmentation fault*

Yes, then get a backtrace please. You can instruct your kernel to create
a core dump and then open it in gdb. Google should help you to find that.

> I also used -- instead of ./
> It is saying permission denied.

Please paste more information. E.g. your complete command invocation..
and also why does it say Permission denied? Is your app setuid or such?

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