Re: has anybody tried to cross-compile this?

Jake Holland <jholland ixiacom com> writes:

> Greetings.
> I'm running linux on an embedded processor with limited memory (to which I
> have to cross-compile anything I hope to run), and I have an application
> that looks like it's leaking in an odd way.  I was hoping to use a memory
> debugger such as memprof to help figure out what's going on.  Has anybody
> tried anything like this before with memprof or have any helpful insights to
> share?  Thanks.

Two major problems:

 - Memprof is currently tied to the x86 architecture. Not 
   impossible to fix, but requires quite a bit of low level

 - The GUI for memprof needs to run on the same machine as the 
   target program, and getting GNOME 2 cross compiled all
   the way up to libgnome is not easy, plus the GUI takes 
   substantial amounts of memory.

   You'd need some sort of memprof-remote stub to run
   on the target machine, and talk back to the frontend.

It's not really very feasible, I'm afraid. You might want to 
look at whether you can use the Boehm GC as a leak detector.


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