Moving to two year terms for board elections

Hi committee,

There is a proposal coming up to move the director terms to two years,
and to split the number of directors elected each year in half. This is
to ensure that:
* It's a lot less likely that an entire board (or a substantial part of
it) changes all at the same time
* New directors have a chance to get up to speed and become effective
board members

For clarity, we would be looking at having half(ish) the board be
elected in odd years, and the other half in even years.

In order to do so, we'd need to have a mechanism to move to this
scheme. And example of this is:
2019: 7 members elected (ABCDEF)
2020: EGF terms expire, 3 new directors
2021: ABCD terms expire, 4 new directors
2022: EGF terms expire, 3 new directors

The question remains though - how to sort the initial election in to
the ABCD/EGF set. I would suggest that we use the highest placed
winners in the election (ie: those that reach quota earliest, or by the
most), but would also welcome other ideas.

I'll be putting a proposal to the board at the next meeting (11th
February) for them to confirm the 2 year limit, and split, so if you
have any comments/ideas, please let me know!

Neil McGovern
Executive Director, The GNOME Foundation

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