About My Membership Application


I completed and submitted the form on the "Become a Foundation member"[0] page, but didn't get any confirmation on the page or by email, so I thought something went wrong, and I submitted again, but again I didn't see any indication of successful submission. I am pasting the details of my submission below. I appreciate if you could take it into consideration if the submission didn't arrive at your side. If the form is actually working, then it means I may have submitted twice. In that case, I apologize for the noise.

Full Name: Muhammet Kara
E-mail Address: muhammetk gmail com
@gnome.org mail alias: muhammetk
Jabber account: Yes

I joined the GNOME Turkish Translation Team[0] on 2011,[1] and started coordinating the team in 2012. I have been contributing as a translator/reviewer, and the team coordinator since then. I have made more than 700 changes so far, including a few small code changes. The completion of Turkish translation (main modules) has risen from 7X% (GNOME 3.10) to 95% (GNOME 3.22) during my coordinatorship.
I have also been maintaining the official website of GNOME Turkey community for a few years so far.[2]
This is my first application for GNOME Foundation membership. I have never been a GNOME Foundation member before.

GNOME Bugzilla involvement: https://goo.gl/1jV5MN
GNOME commits: goo.gl/D3jUoC (Note that the statistics are 6 months old as of Jan 20)

Daniel Mustieles <daniel mustieles gmail com>

Muhammet Kara
Coordinator of the GNOME Turkish Translation Team


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