Emeritus membership

Hi there,

I am not very sure about my membership status today. So I read your mail concerning the new emeritus 
membership with interest.
I am the coordinator of the Low German localization team for GNOME like you can see here: 
Because I havent had the time to contribute within the last months, I guess that my membership was not 

I plan to go on contributing to the translations within this summer, so I would like to know what kind of 
membership would fit for me now. I hope you might help me here..
For the moment I would still like to keep my ncfiedler gnome org mail alias intact. 

So my questions are as follows:

1. Is it possible to simply re-new my "normal" membership or is it necessary to change it into this emeritus 
2. Will those emeritus members still be shown in the members list here?: 
http://www.gnome.org/foundation/membership/ (I recognized that my name was removed from the list...)
3. Could someone please check whether my mail alias ncfiedler gnome org still forwards to fiedler neerstrom 

Thank you very much in advance & kind regards,

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