[gnome.org #12663] AutoReply: Application received from Robert Nordan (rpvn AT robpvn.net)

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 GNOME.org Sysadmin Team
 membership-applications gnome org


Contact Information

Full Name: Robert Nordan
Email:     rpvn AT robpvn.net

Contributions Summary:
Foundation member references:
- Sandy Armstrong
- David Nielsen

- Continued contributions to Tomboy:
    - A number of bug fixes and enhancements: 
    - One new major feature (Export All Notes infrastructure), also created the documentation for it.
    - Helped to triage a large number of bugs for Tomboy, both during bug days and otherwise.
    - Have created three separate external add-ins for Tomboy:
        - http://www.robpvn.net/notepreview/
        - http://www.robpvn.net/calcaddin/
        - http://www.robpvn.net/plaintext-export/
    - Involved in the project aiming to refactor core Tomboy code in to a library for easier reuse on 
multiple platforms.
- Recently got involved as co-maintainer of Pinta ( http://pinta-project.com/contact.ashx ), which while not 
directly a part of GNOME arguably is a good friend by using GTK and targeting the GNOME Desktop.

- A wish to get more involved with the democratic processes of GNOME, including being able to vote in 
elections to the board.
- Potential use of member benefits in the future such as applying for support to travel to hackfests.
- Expressing once and for all my allegiance in the great desktop wars (ha ha).

Foundation Previous Participation:
I'm a first time applicant.

[Application received at Thu Mar 22 14:28:28 2012 (Eastern time)]

If you have any questions, you can contact the Membership Committee by
replying to this mail. Please note that it usually takes up to a week for an application to be fully 

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