[gnome.org #12529] AutoReply: Application received from Eduardo Lima Mitev (elima AT igalia.com)

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 GNOME.org Sysadmin Team
 membership-applications gnome org

Contact Information:
Name: Eduardo Lima Mitev
E-mail: elima AT igalia.com
git.gnome.org username (if any): elima

Previous GNOME Foundation member: no

GNOME contributions:

Code contributions

Reported several bugs and have submitted a few patches to different GNOME modules. My bugzilla account id is 
'elima igalia com'. Many of my patches have been integrated in the respective projects. Some of the modules I 
have contributed:

- gnome-utils (refactored ringschart and wrote treemap chart of baobab)
- glib (mostly introspection annotations to GIO)
- gobject-introspection (mostly introspection annotations to GIO)
- gjs (random minor fixes)
- json-glib (wrote the JSON - gvariant conversion)
- grilo (some introspection related fixes)

Other contributions

* Presented the talk 'Javascript the GNOME way' at JSconf.eu 2011 <http://jsconf.eu/2011/> to raise awareness 
about usage of Javascript in GNOME, gobject-introspection and gnome-shell:


* Author and maintainer of EventDance, a GLib/GObject based library to provide scalable network services and 
distributed IPC: 

EventDance is heavily based on GNOME technologies, and is the base of FileTea <http://filetea.me>, a 
web-based file-sharing system, also developed and maintained by me.

* Former contributor to 'Friends of GNOME' program.

1) Paolo Borelli <pborelli katamail com>: gnome-utils developer and maintainer

2) Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi AT gmail.com>: json-glib developer and maintainer

3) Tomeu Vizoso <tomeu AT tomeuvizoso.net>: gobject-introspection developer

Other comments:

[Application received at Thu Feb 9 15:51:55 2012 (Eastern time)]

If you have any questions, you can contact the Membership Committee by
replying to this mail. Please note that it usually takes up to a week for an application to be fully 

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