On Mi, 2011-05-18 at 11:05 +0000, Andrea Veri via RT wrote:
On Mon May 16 14:16:38 2011, foundationmembershipcommittee wrote:Name: Dumitru MiÈu Moldovan E-mail: dumol AT gnome.org git.gnome.org username (if any): dumol Previous GNOME Foundation member: yesHi, looks like your latest contributions are not really recent and since your membership expired on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 (membership's duration is two years), I am going to send out a mail to the provided sponsors. If they won't answer back or they won't confirm your contributions, you should go through the whole membership process again. Danilo, Mugurel, can you please vouch for Dumitru's membership to be renewed? do you confirm his contributions over these two years?
Hi, Well, there must be some confusion, as I have applied for membership on 27.06.2008[1] and it was accepted on 13.09.2008, which you have mistakenly taken as the expiration date for my membership. I thought this "renewal" procedure is just a formality, so I didn't bother to extensively document my contributions again. Suffice it to say that I've coordinated the Romanian localization team from 25.06.2008[2] to 22.02.2010[3] which saw the release of three GNOME releases, for which Romanian was a fully or partially supported localization. Isn't that enough for the last two years? Thanks, -- miÈu 1. http://mail.gnome.org/archives/membership-committee/2008-June/msg00128.html 2. http://www.mail-archive.com/gnome-i18n gnome org/msg09538.html 3. http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-i18n/2010-February/msg00138.html ---------------------------------------------------- This message was sent via GNOME.org Request Tracker.
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