Appying Gnome Foundation Membership


I would like to apply Gnome Foundation Membership. I used to be a member previously but the membership has expired. During the last two years I have contributed several patches to Vala language including native regular expression literals support, Postgres an Mysql database bindings, as well as other library bindings. I have also contributed several other Vala patches that are in review (e.g. support for build in array sorting).

Jukka-Pekka Iivonen

Saunalahdelta mullistava uutuus Nokia N97 ja kaiken kattava TotaaliMAX nyt ennakkomyynnissä uskomattoman edullisesti! 
Paketissa puhelut ja viestit (3000 min/kpl/kk), huippunopea mobiililaajakaista sekä Nokia N97 yhdellä kk-maksulla 
vain 59,95 e/kk (24 kk sopimus).

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