[gnome.org #10925] AutoReply: [RENEWAL] Application received from Michael Monreal (michael.monreal AT gmail.com)

Your message about "[RENEWAL] Application received from Michael Monreal (michael.monreal AT gmail.com)" has 
been received and assigned a ticket ID [ gnome.org #10925].

There is no need to reply to this message right now, but if you have anything to add to the issue please 
reply to this message.

You will receive another message once your issue has been solved, or if we need more information from you.

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Note: 'Waiting for' is a best effort guess.

 GNOME.org Sysadmin Team
 membership-applications gnome org


Contact Information:
Name: Michael Monreal
E-mail: michael.monreal AT gmail.com
irc.gnome.org nickname (if any): monreal
git.gnome.org username (if any): 

Previous GNOME Foundation member: yes

GNOME contributions:

Bugs, Usability, HIG

Detailed description:
While my contributions to upstream GNOME have decreased during the last year due to time constraints I still 
try to file bugs and fix some small bugs when time allows. Besides normal bugs, I care a lot about usability 
and the GNOME HIG. I also try to be part of the "GNOME 3" effort, testing and trying to improve gnome-shell 

Besides core-GNOME I care a lot about the Banshee media player and GNOME integration in Fedora. During the 
last weeks I did some work on gnome-color-manager in Fedora, which will hopefully be an official GNOME module 
in 2.32/3.0

Also, I am a member of the Chromium project, trying to make Chromium/Google Chrome rock on Linux in general 
and the GNOME desktop in particular.

Lapo Calamandrei (calamandrei AT gmail.com) (gnome-icon-theme maintainer)
Evan Martin (evan AT chromium.org) (chromium linux developer)


Other comments:

[Application received at Sat Mar 6 11:11:45 2010 (Eastern time)]

If you have any questions, you can contact the membership committee by
replying to this mail. Please note that the delay for your application
to be processed can be up to one month.

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