[gnome.org #4517] AutoReply: Application received from Eitan Isaacson (eitan AT ascender.com)

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assigned a ticket ID [gnome.org #4517].

There is no need to reply to this message right now, but if you have anything to add to the issue please 
reply to this message.

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Note: 'Waiting for' is a best effort guess.

 GNOME.org Sysadmin Team
 membership-applications gnome org


Contact Information:
Name: Eitan Isaacson
E-mail: eitan AT ascender.com
irc.gnome.org nickname (if any): eeejay
svn.gnome.org username (if any): eitani

Previous GNOME Foundation member: no

GNOME contributions:


Detailed description:
Developed and maintain Accerciser.
Develop Orca. Co-maintain AT-SPI (for pyatspi purposes).
Contributed to Gossip. Volunteered to organize GNOME booth at SCALE 2007.
Gave a talk at GUADEC 2007 about Accerciser.
Wrote and article from GNOME journal about Accerciser.

Willie Walker <William.Walker AT Sun.COM>
Rich Burridge <Rich.Burridge AT Sun.COM>
Dave Neary <bolsh AT gnome.org>
Martyn Russell <martyn AT imendio.com>
Peter Parente <parente AT gmail.com>


Other comments:
Sorry if I was a bit brief, I am pretty sure I did this before, but I think it fell through the cracks.


[Application received at Fri Mar 21 1:04:59 2008 (Eastern time)]

If you have any questions, you can contact the membership committee by
replying to this mail. Please note that the delay for your application
to be processed can be up to one month.

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