Application spam (was Re: [RENEWAL] Application received from Vincent Untz (test) (vuntz AT


Sending a small note to announce I added an anti-spam feature to the
application form, using the latest of the high-tech Web 2.0 technology:
a form entry where the user has to type "not spam".

I hope it will help a bit.

Le mercredi 19 avril 2006 Ã 02:11 -0400, GNOME Foundation Membership
Committee Script a Ãcrit :
Contact Information:
Name: Vincent Untz (test)
E-mail: vuntz AT nickname (if any): vuntz username (if any): vuntz

Previous GNOME Foundation member: yes

GNOME contributions:

This is a test for the new anti-spam feature of this form.

Detailed description:
This is a test for the new anti-spam feature of this form.

This is a test for the new anti-spam feature of this form.

Other comments:
This is a test for the new anti-spam feature of this form.

[Application received at Wed Apr 19 2:11:40 2006 (Eastern time)]

If you have any questions, you can contact the membership committee by
replying to this mail. Please note that the delay for your application
to be processed can be up to one month.
membership-committee mailing list
membership-committee gnome org


Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressÃs.

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