Application received from Ryan Lortie (desrt AT

Contact Information:
Name: Ryan Lortie
E-mail: desrt AT nickname (if any): desrt username (if any): ryanl

Previous GNOME Foundation member: no

GNOME contributions:

small patches in many modules including upstream software such as hal and xorg

a few more patches in gnome-vfs

lots more patches in gnome-applets

Detailed description:
If I find a bug with a piece of software on my system I do my best to try and track it down and get it fixed 
(either reporting it or often writing a patch for myself).  As a result of this, I probably have small 
patches in about 20 modules.

I used to develop on Rhythmbox and gnome-vfs but I am not presently very involved in either of these projects 
(although I hope to get more involved in gnome-vfs for the 2.14 cycle).

I've a very active contributor to gnome-applets (and have even executed the release of the last two 
versions).  I have written an awful lot of the code in the battstat applet and have fixed a lot of bugs 
related to this (for example, in the upstream HAL that battstat now gets battery information from).

Davyd Madeley <davyd madeley id au> (gnome-applets maintainer)
Christian Kellner <gicmo xatom net> (gnome-vfs co-maintainer)
Luis Villa <luis villa gmail com> (foundation board member)
and Jeff Waugh <jdub perkypants org> (that crazy Australian guy)

Other comments:
That's all.


[Application received at Tue Sep 6 22:27:09 2005 (Eastern time)]

If you have any questions, you can contact the membership committee by
replying to this mail. Please note that the delay for your application
to be processed can be up to one month.

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