Re: Potential list of questions

[I forgot to send my answer to membership-committee.]

On Thu, November 11, 2004 17:17, Vincent Untz said:
Le jeudi 11 novembre 2004 à 20:32 +0530, Sayamindu Dasgupta a écrit :
Here's the list of questions which has been picked from GNOMEDesktop and
Planet GNOME:

1. Judging from the comments posted here ( comments
area), it seems as though most people are confused about the purpose of
the GNOME Foundation and its board. How will you, as a member of the
board, try to clear up confusion and outline a clear direction and
purpose for the Foundation?

2. What do you see as the most important thing that the board
accomplishes, and what do you think is the area of the board's activity
where you could improve things?

3. What is the number one priority for the GNOME project now, in your
opinion? What do you think you can do as a board member to work towards
that goal?

4. What do you think is the most important market for GNOMe over the
next year or two, and what do you feel you can do to help get GNOME
better penetrated into that market?
These 4 ones are okay.

5.What unique aspect will you bring to the job?
What cultural influence and new variety will you help add to the board?

Conversely, what technical skills do you bring to the job?
How and why are they important to the job (or not)?
I'll just keep the first part of the question ("What unique aspect...")

6. How would you feel about moving to a system of Preferential <!--err..
I am not familiar with Preferential voting - is that the same as
anonymous voting ??--> Voting?
There's a thread on foundation-list about this. I'm ok with this one.

7. How do you think you could motivate the rest of the board, if and
when the other directors have other time pressures? What drives you to
run for the board? What one problem could you hope to solve this year?
These are three distinct questions. The first and third ones are great.
Not sure about the second one.

So, we have 8 questions.

I would add this question from last year's elections:
   What would you do to increase community participation in the GNOME
   community and GNOME elections?

We need a last one. Any proposition?
Sayamindu: I saw you posted a last question on #membership-committee. If
you think this question is ok too and if nobody objects, could you send
the list of questions to the candidates?



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