Application received from Sean Harshbarger (harshy dersoldat org)

Contact Information:
Name: Sean Harshbarger
E-mail: harshy dersoldat org nickname (if any): harshy username (if any): 

Previous GNOME Foundation member: no

GNOME contributions:

Rhythmbox work, Debian packaging.

Detailed description:
I have squashed a few bugs in Rhythmbox as well as give support to users. I package magicdev and gmodconfig 
for Debian as well as a few more ITPs on the way.

Colin Walters <walters verbum org> (Rhythmbox maintainer)

Other comments:
I have a strong belief in both Gnome and Open Source and spend most of my time either getting people to try 
out Gnome or I am writing Coaster. In between, I try to help make Gnome avalible in Debian by adding packages 
of software like Magicdev. Finding problems  (bugs) and passing those along to maintainers by either a bug 
report or a simple irc poke, is a daily task. On top of all that, I am currently writing documents (like the 
Rhythmbox FAQ).

[Application received at Fri Oct 24 23:50:35 2003 (Eastern time)]

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