Re: Questions for the candidates

Le dimanche 09 novembre 2003, a 20:01, Telsa Gwynne a ecrit :
So I pasted all the long paragraphs in, and ended up with a 
colossally long mail. I thought a way to deal with this might 
be to say: 

I am now very inclined to do this:

 1 How do you manage your time and that of others?

And put a whacking great "_read the whole post_" note at the top.

This is ok for me.

Even doing this, I have something like an 80+ line post, and
that's before they start replying to it!

Don't worry: people interested in the elections will read the mails,
even if they are long. And people are interested (well, I hope).

No technical questions. The board of the Foundation is not involved in
technical decisions, so we should really avoid these questions. We all
agree here.

Good stuff. Okay, I have a provisional list of ten questions and
links to them. One of them was actually moderated down as flamebait
but underneath the rant there is a good question about process
and momentum. 

So. Now what? Do I post them, or send them to you (which address?)
and you send them to the candidates, or what?

You can see them for now at

I'll announce the candidates tonight or more probably tomorrow morning
(we still miss some informations). I suppose you'll receive the mail as
you're subscribed to foundation-list (aren't you?). After that, just
send your post to foundation-list and cc' all the candidates, so we're
sure they'll receive the mail. Oh, maybe you should add something like
'please answer on foundation-list and do not answer to me privately' :-)

Thanks Telsa


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