Application received from Mark Finlay (sisob eircom net)

Contact Information:
Name: Mark Finlay
E-mail: sisob eircom net nickname (if any): sisob username (if any): sisob

Previous GNOME Foundation member: no

GNOME contributions:

(Rhythmbox, Gnome Users' Support Forum)

Detailed description:
I added scrollkeeper help support to rhythmbox and co-authored the Help file.

I co-founded the "Gnome Users' Support Forum"
on to provide support and discussion for Gnome Users who feel more at home using 
a phpBB than the limited gnome support mailing lists. The board has been a great success and I am planning on 
improving it further using mx-system*. I am currently the head-moderator with 10% of the total posts on the 
board. Hopefully this board will become the official board of the new gnome website.

* See for a beta of the new site.

I do bit's and pieces of hacking on things that
interest me at the time. Eg. gnome-terminal, the theme applet, the panel-menu applet. Searching for my name 
in bugzilla will bring up some of my current patches waiting to be applied.

I build gnome unstable weekly and post bugs and try to patch bugs I can find.

Jorn Baayen (jorn nl linux org) and Olivier Martin (oleevye wanadoo fr) - Lead Developers on Rhythmbox
stro <stro gnomedesktop com> - Runs and
Alan Horkan <horkana no_spam maths tcd ie> member of the gnome foundation who know's of the work I do.

Other comments:
If I haven't provided enough information please e-mail me so that I can provide you with more.

[Application received at Wed Jan 1 13:44:42 2003 (Eastern time)]

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