Application received from Brian Nitz (brian nitz sun com)

Contact Information:
Name: Brian Nitz
E-mail: brian nitz sun com nickname (if any): bnitz username (if any): 

Previous GNOME Foundation member: no

GNOME contributions:

Helped alpha, beta and early access users of GNOME 1.4 and GNOME 2.0.x for Solaris.  Logged bugs based on 
user input an my own test environents.  Provided patches or suggestions when possible.

Detailed description:
Helped alpha, beta and early access users of GNOME 1.4 and GNOME 2.0.x for Solaris install and run GNOME so 
that they could provide usability and bug input.  Reproduced Solaris GNOME bugs to provide more detailed 
information for bugzilla.  Offered suggestions or patches to sawfish, metacity, nautilus and other Gnome 
components.  Maintained GNOME 1.4 FAQ for Solaris and GNOME 2.0 troubleshooting guide for Solaris.  

glynn foster sun com,stephen browne sun com,louie ximian com

Other comments:
My contributions are somewhat scattered.  Bugzilla shows only 90 bugs I've logged or contributed input to but 
some of my bugs were logged through the bugtraq->bugzilla gateway which doesn't preserve user information.

[Application received at Tue Oct 29 8:58:11 2002 (Eastern time)]

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