Re: Colors

On 19 January 2017 at 03:37, Péter <e2qb2a44f prolan-power hu> wrote:
How to modify the colors?
The background colors which highlight the inter-line differences, etc.
Under linux (Ubuntu), user-specifically, permanently, and not overwritten by
subsequent meld updates.

In I can see that differing (replaced) words are
highlighted with (bold?) red foreground. How to set that highlighting?

As of 3.16, this is all part of GtkSourceView style schemes. You can
see what styles Meld needs to have defined by looking at our style
schemes (e.g.,

The best way to get something that persists across updates would be to
copy a GtkSourceView scheme that you like (e.g., classic or tango),
add the styles from meld's base style in there, and customise the
colours you want. As for the red foreground on replaced words, that's
defined by the foreground colour on the "meld:replace" style.


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