Git merging behaviour change

Hi all,

Just a heads-up and request for feedback.

As of current master, if you open a Git conflict from within Meld's
version control view (i.e., *not* using git mergetool) you'll now get
slightly different behaviour in the view. We used to show
local/merged/remote. In master, instead of just showing MERGED in the
middle pane, we now create and show a merged file everywhere *except*
conflicts, where instead of showing the usual <<< LOCAL >>> REMOTE
sides, we now show BASE.

Given that you always have access to LOCAL and REMOTE in a Meld view,
I consider this to be straight-up better in every possible way,
presenting more relevant information for the merge. However, I'm
interested to hear what people think of this new behaviour after
trying it out for a bit.

Unfortunately this only works for Git currently. Mercurial doesn't
give us any sane way to get remerged diff3 output that I've found, and
I honestly haven't even looked for Subversion. If someone was
interested in picking up support for those, that would be awesome.


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