Re: Meld + GTK 3

I'd love to get a Windows build of this for people to play with, but I don't know what I need to do to make that happen :(
When I try with Python 3, I get this error
Cannot import: GTK+
No module named gi
And I don't see that there's a release of PyGTK for GTK3, and running this with PyGTK with GTK 2.24 fails (as one would expect).
Forgive my extreme Python ignorance.  Can someone point me in the right direction?

On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Kai Willadsen <kai willadsen gmail com> wrote:
Hi all,

Once again, git HEAD is an exciting place. I've just pushed a port of
Meld to GTK 3. In my limited testing, almost everything works again.
Exceptions to this are some keyboard binding overlap issues with
GtkSourceView, some themeing issues, and probably anything to do with
actually installing.

I expect the UI to undergo some significant flux between now and an
actual release, so expect things to change.

Meld now requires Python 2.7 (may bump to 3.3), pygobject3 +
associated bits, and GtkSourceView 3 (note: this is now a hard
requirement not optional). I have no idea what versions of the GTK
stack + pygobject3 will be required, as it's hard to separate
introspection bug fixes from GTK requirements.

Installing is in flux. The current setup is for distutils +
python-distutils-extra. I'm still very undecided about what to do
about building + packaging. I don't want to end up using autotools,
but it may be the only sane choice.

Translators may wish to hold off for a while until things settle down.
The old manual and its translations are now gone, but I don't think
we're correctly installing yelp-based translations yet.

If you have crazy ideas and patches, now is the time.

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