Re: meld complains about patch when delta is just chmod change

Thanks, but this is an old bug and is fixed in 1.8... Possibly in 1.6 as well, but I'm not sure.


On Nov 1, 2013 6:33 PM, "Michelle Sinotte" <michelle sinotte gainspeed com> wrote:

Meld version:    1.5.3

SCM:                     git

git version:

Diff output:        git diff --relative HEAD

diff --git a/ b/

old mode 100644

new mode 100755


Here’s the error message:


Invoking 'patch' failed.


Maybe you don't have 'GNU patch' installed,

or you use an untested version of Git.


Please send email bug report to:

meld-list gnome org


Containing the following information:


- meld version: '1.5.3'

- source control software type: 'Git'

- source control software version: 'X.Y.Z'

- the output of 'git diff --relative HEAD somefile.txt'

- patch command: 'patch -p1 -R -d /tmp/tmpxYzSPO-meld'

(no need to actually run it, just provide

the command line)


Replace 'X.Y.Z' by the actual version for the

source control software you use.


Michelle Sinotte

Software CM and Tools


408-421-5242 cell


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