Re: Some simple Ideas for improvement.

On 19 March 2013 04:18, pintuxgu <pintuxgu hoevendesign com> wrote:

While using Meld every now and then I have some ideas which could be implemented relatively easy and would 
make it a lot more comfortable for me (and others) to use.

1). Eliminate the difference between "File Comparison" and "Directory" Comparason tabs.
If you open file's it compares the files, if you open directory's it compares directories.
Yeah I'd love to be able to do something like this, but we can't.
GTK's file chooser doesn't have a 'file or directory' mode; it's
either one or the other.

2). Change "Mine", "Original", "Other" to: "Left" "Right", "Middle".
I can't see where "Original" is on my screen unless I look at the file names.

3). I mainly use the "Chose File" dialog for opening a default empty comparison.
[CTRL] + n , [ENTER]. And then drag the files with the mouse from a file manager.
Opening a default  empty comparison window would be a bit easier on my fingers.
Have a look at Meld 1.7.1. The new comparison dialog is gone, and
opens a new tab that may address some of your suggestions. There's no
labels (the old labels directly related to Meld's use as a VC merge
tool) and instead correspond directly to placement in the resulting


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