Re: FileChooser in 1.7.1

On 01/04/13 20:22, Kai Willadsen wrote:
On 1 April 2013 02:03, Peter Hardman <peter somborneshetlands co uk> wrote:
I run Arch Linux x86_64
Just updated to 1.7.1 and I see that GTK's filechooser now opens in the (to
me) wholly useless and annoying 'Recently Used' pseudo folder rather than
the previous behaviour of opening in $HOME or the last directory I opened a
file in.

There were no changes to filechooser behaviour in 1.7.1, save that we
now use actual FileChooserButtons in the new tab UI.

Is this a side-effect of having the MRU in the File menu? I can't believe
it's deliberate as with the new MRU it's completely pointless having
filechooser open in 'Recently Used'.

Nope, it's totally unrelated. I also don't see this behaviour on my
test machine, though I'm currently running an old GTK+ here. As far as
I recall, we don't ever explicitly set the folder that a file chooser
starts in, so maybe some external default has changed?

Either way, I agree that opening in the recent section is pretty much
pointless. Can you file a bug with details (e.g., how to actually
reproduce the behaviour)?

Thanks. I'll file a bug.

It's definitely a delta between 1.70 and 1.71 - I can have both open showing the different behaviours. I'm on gtk2 2.24.17 and gtk3 3.6.4, though I assume Meld uses gtk2. I'm also using python 2.7.3


Peter Hardman

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