Re: Inconsistent behaviour of BufferLines

On 9 April 2012 22:49, Piotr Piastucki <leech miranda gmail com> wrote:
> Hi,
> The attached patch seems to fix the issues I spotted in BufferLines
> behaviour so far. I tested it a bit and I did not notice any side effects,
> however, more testing will be needed. And of course I agree it is not a good
> idea to introduce such a change just before the 1.6 release. It may come in
> handy once the new cycle is started though.

That works pretty well for me, thanks. There are a couple of cases
that are still wrong, but nothing that wasn't wrong before, and
hopefully nothing that we actually use.

Just for reference, bl[len(bl):len(bl) - 1] gives broken results if
the last line in the set buffer text doesn't end in a newline char. I
don't think we ever do this, but it's there. I suspect at this point
that I need to check to see whether splitting using pango directly is
feasible, as the corner cases are just getting silly.

Anyway, I've pushed your patch, so let's see whether it breaks anything.


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