Re: Polish localisation

On 14 October 2011 01:32, Marcin Floryan <marcin floryan gmail com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I have bumped into meld a few days ago when I needed a file comparison
> tool in xfce. I really like it and I've noticed it's missing a Polish
> translation so please find attached a pl.po file.
> Hope it can be of some use. I would send a pull request but not worked
> out how gnome git repositories work ;)
> Regards,
> Marcin

That's awesome, thanks! However, Meld is translated as part of the
Gnome translation project, and I'd rather not side-step that process,
since I don't honestly know the details of how it works.

You can find out about joining a Gnome translation team at:
or maybe try directly contacting the Polish translation team:


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