Opening new tabs in existing instance

One thing I miss much in meld is the ability to open new tabs in an existing instance. Some example use cases:

* When working with Perforce (p4) source control, diffing a changelist results in a call to the diff tool for each file included. This gives me a multitude of meld windows, instead of a single window with many tabs. The latter behaviour was possible on Araxis Merge, which I used before, and was very satisfied with.

* I typically use geany as a text editor. When I want to edit a new file from the command line, I just type "geany myfile.c" and it gets opened in a new tab, and the spawning geany process immediatly terminates and returns me to the command line. The closest thing I can get in meld is by using "meld myfile1.c myfile2.c &", but that still leaves some debug output on my terminal. Also, if I kill the shell the meld windows gets lost.

When I started investigating this, I found out that a patch to fix this has already been written, but never been included. See It's a bit old, and I'm not sure if it works in a current meld.

It seems that meld development activity has gone up somewhat lately. What are the chances that such a patch would get included? If the chances are high enough, I'm more than willing to fix the patch so it works on the current source base.


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