Re: push specific line

On 6 February 2011 19:39, Victor Engmark <victor engmark gmail com> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 8:28 PM, Roee Shapiro <roeeshapiro gmail com> wrote:
>> Hello
>> I enjoy using meld.
>> I see there is a push to right/left feature which is for a single block.
>> I am looking for the option to push a single line (out of the block),
>> Does it exist ?
> Bump. A similar feature exists in git-gui, where you can right-click
> on a line (or selection of lines) and say "Stage Line For Commit".

The git-gui feature is completely different though. In git-gui, you
have one line for each insertion and deletion. We could replicate this
feature for insertions (and equivalently, deletions) but I don't see
how it would work for modified blocks (i.e., insert/delete pairs).

> In
> kdiff3, IIRC, you could also split chunks of diff lines into two at
> the line where the pointer is, which I thought was even more clever.
> It would then recompute the diff, so you could sometimes use that to
> make it easier to resolve moved chunks (which it does not detect).

Sorry, but from this description, I can't understand what this
splitting actually accomplishes.


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