Re: Cursors and keyboards

> Also, I'd encourage people to discuss/bikeshed what actions make
> sense. At the moment, we have:
>  Alt+Left to replace the chunk to the left with the current chunk
> (Push change to left)
>  Alt+Right to replace the chunk to the right with the current chunk
> (Push change to right)
>  Alt+Shift+Right to replace the current chunk with the chunk to the
> left (Pull change from left)
>  Alt+Shift+Left to replace the current chunk with the chunk to the
> right (Pull change from right)
>  Alt+Delete to delete the current chunk (Delete change)
> Also, to help keep RSI to a minimum, Alt+Up and Alt+Down should
> probably become shortcuts for Next/Previous Diff.

Cool!  Works as advertised with some quick testing.

If there are only 2 panes, it might be nice to have Alt+<dir> and
Alt+Shift+<dir> to do the same thing.  Eg if I'm in the left of 2
panes, it'd be nice to just press Alt+right to move a chunk to the
right, and Alt+left to pull a chunk from the right.  I work in 2-pane
mode 98% of the time and I'm having issues remembering to hold shift
in for pulls.  I'm not a UI expert, so maybe changing the
functionality of Alt+Shift+<dir> based on 2/3 panes is a big no-no...

After playing with this feature, I think it'd be great to have more
control.  For example, it'd be nice to move a change before or after
the corresponding change in another pane instead of just replacing it.
 Perhaps the num-pad could be used?  eg 9 could move a change before
the right hunk, 1 could move a change below the left hunk (in 3-pane
mode), 6 could replace the hunk to the right, etc.  Maybe alt+num
could push the hunk, and alt+shift+num could pull a hunk?

Could a key configuration pane be added to meld's preferences?  Both
my comments above would be moot if it was easy to customize the key
combos used to move hunks around.  Anyway, its a cool feature, thanks!


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