"meld ." broken when using git?

With CVS or SVN, doing a "meld <dirname>" only shows what's
changed underneath the specified directory.  When you do that
specifying a subdirectory of a git working copy, meld scans the
entire working copy, and then shows you a view from what is
sometimes a _log_ way further up the diretory tree that what
you requested.

This makes meld a lot less useful for two reasons:

 1) For large projects, it can take a long time to scan the
    entire project.  This is especially annoying when the
    directory you specified only contains a handful of files.

 2) After the resulting wait, you end up with a lot of unwanted
    clutter -- you've got to sift through the results to find
    the results you requests.

IOW, when I used CVS and SVN, "meld ." was a extremely useful
command.  When usin git -- not so much.

Is this a bug in the git support, a limitation of git itself,
or a design decision?

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! Look into my eyes and
                                  at               try to forget that you have
                               visi.com            a Macy's charge card!

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