Re: Meld newline problem/bug (Windows)

On 9 August 2010 19:25, Ehrmann, Matthias, 232
<Matthias Ehrmann bamf bund de> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm facing the follwing problem when using meld for windows (1.3.1).
> Whenever I save a modified file it seems that newlines are automatically
> added
> to each line. The result: the number of empty lines is doubled. This is
> indeed a
> show stopper for me. So I can't use meld ATM.
> My System: Windows XP 64
> Help would be highly appreciated

This bug was fixed after the release of Meld 1.3.2, so the fix isn't
in any currently-released version. So your options are to grab Meld
from git, or apply this commit:
and hope that it works (since it hasn't been tested on top of 1.3.1).


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