Re: meld shows modified files with cvsnt, but won't compare

On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 5:41 PM, Steve Franks <bahamasfranks gmail com> wrote:
>> Hi Steve, due to a refactoring the cvs preferences page is now unused.
>> The real values are in the source in the vc subfolder. In your case you'll
>> need to change vc/ you'll see a line CMD="cvs" which should in your
>> case be cvsnt.
> Wow, that's an easy fix :)  Just to keep us all on the same page, I
> changed the string variable for the cvs executable in vc/ to
> cvsnt, and everything works smoothly.

Could you try the attached patch and tell me how it behaves ?
It tries to execute "cvs -v" and the "cvsnt -v" and then use the
first one that can be executed.

> Wow, now that I'm really playing with it, meld is really cool.  Just
> what I was wanting!  (now, I assume there's a way to compare againt
> previous revisions, or between two previous revisions, I'll be playing
> with that alot)...

It can currently only compare against latest committed version.

Vincent Legoll

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