Re: How do I control whether meld uses .svn or CVS?

Hi Grant, there's currently no UI for changing the search order. If
you want to hack it, you can change the order of vc systems by
changing meld/vc/ Just move the svn plugin to the front of
the _plugins array.


On 9/22/07, Grant Edwards <grante visi com> wrote:
> I've got a large project that is under both subversion and CVS
> control.  All directories have both CVS and .svn directories.
> By default, meld seems to prefer CVS.  This is unfortunate,
> because 99.9% of the time svn is what's in use.  CVS is only
> used once in a while when we sync up with an upstream project.
> How do I configure meld to pay attention to the .svn directory
> instead of the CVS directory?
> Right now I just rename CVS to .CVS, but then svn nags me about
> it.
> --
> Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  "DARK SHADOWS"
>                                   at               is on!! Hey, I think
>                                  the VAMPIRE forgot his
>                                                    UMBRELLA!!
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