Re: Feature request: line-only diff mode

Hi Daniel, you're right large file performance is in a word, dreadful.
I've never got around to optimising the algorithms and most of the
update code is of the easy-but-dumb type.

2-5 minutes though, ouch thats painful. You're correct of course, meld
currently runs the inline diff after finding each differing chunk. It
should of course do all the coarse chunks first and revisit the
inlines afterward. FileDiff._update_highlighting is the place to do
that, if you'd like to have a go.

On the 30 seconds update wait, you can disable incremental updates by
hacking the source locally as follows. To update highlight manually,
Edit->Refresh. (it's like reload but without rereading the files)

    def _after_text_modified(self, buffer, startline, sizechange):
-        if self.num_panes > 1:
+        if false and self.num_panes > 1:


On 10/15/07, Daniel E. Macks <dmacks netspace org> wrote:
> I'd like to have a way for side-by-side file diffs to detect only
> which lines differ, and not further mark the actual char-by-char diffs
> in those lines. I compare large text files (package-compiling
> transcripts, data files, etc) that have many differences and finding
> each character difference takes a *long* time (2-5 minutes isn't
> uncommon on my 1 GHz machine, and then another 30 seconds each time I
> make an edit in the text window). I'd be happy knowing just which
> lines are different, and then if and when I select a line, *then* meld
> could find the actual diffs for that block of the file.
> dan
> --
> Daniel Macks
> dmacks netspace org
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