Re: Feature request for three-way merges

Thanks Ian,

One minor bug report:
- I've noticed that keyboard focus is sometimes ambiguous with regards
to the ctrl/shift modifiers.  Sometimes I have to click on one of the
editor windows before ctrl/shift will modify the clickable options in
the center divider.

I have not found a way to reliably detect when shift or control is
pressed. It's been a while, but IIRC the problem is that sometimes the
keyup messages go missing. Additionally I remember some strangeness
with the gtk notebook widget. Can you open a bug in bugzilla?

And two feature requests:
- It would be nice if an empty file comparison were opened automatically
on startup.  Then I wouldn't have to click "New"+"Ok" when pasting text,
dropping file links on the filename field, etc.

I'll think about this as an option. You can get the same effect by
passing two or three empty arguments: meld "" ""

- I'm using Perforce P4 for version control.  Meld itegrates quite well
for standard two-way diffs, but for three-way diffs Perforce want to
send a command line like:
        meld <ancestor> <theirs> <yours> <target>
The order of parameters is adjustable, so that's not really important.
The idea is that any change you try and save to <ancestor> don't modify
the file but get saved to <target> instead.  <Target> isn't displayed,
and isn't modified unless it's overwritten with merged results.  That
way Perforce still has the original <ancestor> file and can tell if
you've actually merged the file and want to replace your local copy with
the result, or if you've just closed the merge window without doing

This has been requested a few times and long overdue. FYI it's In the meanwhile I've
heard of people writing wrapper scripts along the lines of "cp
ancestor tmp; meld theirs ancestor yours; if ancestor != tmp; cp tmp


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