Re: mc tip

Hi Zoli,

Thanks for the tip. I just made it and it works nicely. Please keep the
tips coming.

I'm teaching my wife to use mc and Gnome. I'm going to install it on
her computer when I get around to backing up and sorting out all the
files. She actually sees how to use it and is impressed.

What desktop do you use?


On Sat, 2015-11-21 at 19:00 +0200, Kertész Zoltán wrote:
Hi :)

I'd like to share one tip regarding mc.

mc is the first program always to install on a new Linux, and the
following setting is the first to make to mc once installed.

Navigate to Options/Panel options and there (on the top right) at
Navigation tick "Lynx-like motion".

What this does it activates the navigation within mc with the four
arrow keys (up and down the tree, left is out of and right is into a
folder). It is called Lynx-like motion as the Lynx text based browser
has this - I have to admit - really intuitive way of navigating. It
comes extremely handy on headless systems, speeding up getting around
in mc. I found that this is really handy, try it and see if you find
it useful too :)



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