Re: mcedit - wordwrap

On Thu, Sep 04, 2014 at 08:26:49AM +0100, James Freer wrote:
I've just started using mc. I was wondering if mcedit does soft
wordwrap or just hard line wordwrap. It does paragraph formatting
like nano and pico do but not from what I can see is softwrap.

When I say softwrap I mean like emac's 'visual line mode' (Vim does
aswell but can't remember the command). 

do you mean

    :set textwidth=72


    :set wrap

those commands?

The GUI editors e.g. Leafpad, gedit, kate all do. I wanted to use
mcedit as a prose text editor and so want to 'wrap' entire paragraphs.

IMHO you can't do better than vim, and it integrates seamlessly with mc

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