re: disable mouse sort order?

It would appear that on May 8, Alan Corey did say:

I'll agree with that... Though that isn't what I meant when I said the
above. Setting a temporary alias inside an xterm, roxterm, Eterm, konsole
or even an actual console such as tty1, would be more work than just typing
the "mc -d" as one would have to do it for each xterm, roxterm etc... where
one intended to use mc. (And speaking for myself, I use mc a _LOT_)

The main reason I don't use mc -d is that I don't remember to do it.
Being able to redefine what "mc" does would help.  Then for the once a
week or so when I actually want the mouse to do something I'd have to
remember the alias (or type alias and pick from the list).

Which is exactly why I suggested putting:

alias mc="mc -d"
alias mcm=/usr/bin/mc

in the shell initialization file (in my case ~/.bashrc)
I use x mostly because it lets me have 6 or 9 rxvt windows open and
viewable at once, and I use the mouse to select which one I want to
work in.

Wow, that many on screen at once? I think you must either have a really big
monitor, or very good eyesight... 

And I use FVWM. which doesn't try to run my life, like KDE or Gnome.
So what if I have to manually add things to a menu by editing my
fvwmrc file?  I like being able to click any available spot in the
root window and have a menu pop up.

When kde4 happened I ran into the arms of enlightenment. I use both e16 AND
e17 depending on my mood. Neither of them feel like they want to run my
whole life. Personally I like to access my "menu" with a keyboard shortcut.
But both e16 and e17 by default pop the menu upon clocking on the "root
window" {ummnn by root window I presume your talking about whatever it is
that displays the "wallpaper/background image" when there aren't any
application level windows in the way... Right?}   

Also I use tcsh, not bash.  Not sure why exactly, maybe I just like
setenv, but redirecting stderr and stdout is another thing I have to
look up everytime, so that's what man pages are for,  And I usually
boot into OpenBSD, not Linux.

I don't know tcsh, so I don't know what it's equivalent of the ~/.bashrc
is. But I'm betting you do. So of course that is where I'd recommend you put
something like those alias lines {above},,,

But mc, couldn't live without it.  I used Total Commander in Windows,
Norton Commander in DOS.

Absolutely! My pre-vista windows xp installations have an port of actual mc,
{albeit an older version available at: }
in them. (runs in a dosbox).
{More details of the port at: }

Since that wasn't vista compatible I went with something called the FAR file
manager for my laptops vista installation. ( for more details on that see: )

It also runs in a dosbox and is so much like mc that I sometimes forget I'm
using something else until I try to use my beloved arrow-navigation, which
I haven't been able to enable with FAR. {sigh} But since I only go there (to
ANY "Windowsâ environment that is) occasionally, it works well enough for me.

Have a good one ;-7 

|   ---   ___
|   <0>   <->     Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|       ^              J(tWdy)P
|    ~\___/~      <<jtwdyp ttlc net>>

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