Re: Respect XDG environment variables

On Wednesday 13 June 2012, Slava Zanko wrote:

These hardcoded paths have used only in one case: if you specify
MC_HOME environment variable. For example:
MC_HOME=/tmp/mchome-$$ mc

in this case you'll have directory structure:

In any other cases (when MC_HOME variable isn't set) mc used XDG_*
variables as well, you may check it yourself :).

Not. These hardcoded path' will use when --with-homedir=XDG will set in 

So, I don't understand why we should respect XDG variables when we
want to redefine the base placement of configs. Supporting of MC_HOME
variable intended for testing/temporary purposes only, therefore in my
opinion, supporting of XDG_* variables not needed in this case (the
more so that XDG-variables can contain absolute paths).

I see in configure option --with-homedir, which specified location of home 
directory. In this parameter I can set "XDG" and mc will "respect XDG 
standards". So, "respect XDG standards" IMHO is use environment variables, 
when they are defined. When --with-homedir=XDG MC will hardly use ".local", 
".cache" and ".config" dirs instead.

Well. Stop this boring thread. You had have said, I had have heard.
   With Best Regards.
   Rashid N. Achilov (RNA1-RIPE), Web:
   E-Mail: shelton [гав!] vmfree [тчк] askd [тчк] ru
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