Re: [paritally solved] Coloring of capital letters in upper menu

On Monday 01 February 2010, Andrew Borodin wrote:

Why? Which relation has dialog to menubar? 

It's historical heritage. :) Personally me (and some other people) don't
like the always visible menu, therefore I didn't care about it colors.

Pesonally me is on the contrary - since ...mmmm.... since 1992 I have used any 
commander with always visible upper menu.

Also atoher question about coloring - how to change color of "current" line in 
history and hotdir dialogues. In 4.6.2 it was green on blue. Now it's red on 
blue, that's don't like me.
   With Best Regards.
   Rashid N. Achilov (RNA1-RIPE), Web:
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