Re: /etc/mailcap

It would appear that on Mar 31, /dev/rob0 did say:

On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 05:13:08PM -0700, Daniel González Gasull
The problem is that from time to time /etc/mailcap seems to be
overwritten.  Maybe after updates.

Your OS package manager is probably the culprit. mc(1) is most
certainly not responsible for that. This is the mc list.

Is there any way to prevent /etc/mailcap from being overwritten
so I can use the same programs in mc and GNOME?

Maybe. Check your OS/distribution documentation and ask in a place
which supports it.

Alternatively, if your OS package manager can't easily be configured to
leave /etc/mailcap alone, you could try a root script kludge...
find where your OS allows for local initialization commands (possibly
in /etc.rc.local) Make a backup copy of your good mailcap, put it
someplace safe like maybe /root/mailcapBU. Then edit the /etc/rc.local
(or equivalent) insert the command: 

cp /root/mailcapBU /etc/mailcap

This should then refresh your version of mailcap every time you boot.
So that it won't matter much if the package manager overwrites
/etc/mailcap, YOUR version will be back the next time you reboot.

But DO check your distro's docs & forums to see if there is a more
elegant solution. Cause the above is a very crude kludge that will
haunt you if you ever modify your /etc/mailcap and forget to update
the /root/mailcapBU copy...

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